DIY Staging on a Budget Tips

  1. Home staging
  2. Staging costs and budgeting tips
  3. DIY staging on a budget tips

Are you looking for tips to stage your home on a budget? DIY home staging can help you make your home look great without breaking the bank. Whether you’re selling your home or just looking to improve its appearance, there are some simple and affordable ways to create a stylish interior. From decluttering and repurposing furniture to adding a few key pieces, here are some tips for DIY staging on a budget. Staging a home doesn't have to be expensive.

With the right DIY tips, you can create a beautiful space without breaking the bank. Here are some budget-friendly staging tips to help you get started:Furniture Arrangement: Rearranging furniture is an easy and affordable way to update the look and feel of a room. Try moving furniture away from the walls to create a more inviting atmosphere. If you have oversized pieces, consider replacing them with smaller options to make the space appear larger.

Color Selection: When it comes to color selection, it is important to pick hues that will make the room look bigger or brighter. For example, if you have a small room, use light colors on the walls to create the illusion of more space. Alternatively, if you have a dark room, use bright colors like yellow or orange to bring energy and life into the space.

Budget-Friendly Materials:

There are plenty of budget-friendly materials that can be used when staging a home. Colorful throw pillows, vintage accent pieces, rugs, and curtains are all great options for adding personality to any room without breaking the bank.

Thrift Store Finds: Thrift stores are full of hidden gems and one-of-a-kind items that can be used in home staging. With a little creativity, these items can be transformed into unique pieces that will add character and charm to any space.


If you have family members or friends who are willing to part with their furniture and accessories, take advantage of it! Hand-me-downs can be a great way to add personality and style to a home without spending too much money.

Shopping for Furniture and Accessories:

When shopping for furniture and accessories, always keep an eye out for sales and discounts. You can also save money by buying online or shopping at thrift stores.

Furniture Arrangement

Furniture arrangement is a key element of home staging, as it can make a room look bigger or cozier. By changing the layout, you can draw attention to certain features or create a more inviting atmosphere. To get started, consider the room’s size, shape, and purpose when deciding which pieces of furniture to use and where to place them. For example, in a large room with high ceilings, placing furniture away from the walls and closer together can make the space feel more intimate.

On the other hand, in a small room with low ceilings, placing furniture further apart can make it appear larger. Additionally, in a living room, you may want to arrange seating so that it’s easy for people to talk to one another. When staging your home on a budget, you may need to rearrange existing furniture or borrow pieces from other rooms. If possible, try to create different seating areas that are separated by rugs or coffee tables.

This will give the illusion of more space and provide interesting focal points. Before and after photos can be helpful when arranging furniture on a budget. By seeing how different arrangements make a room look bigger or cozier, you can get a better idea of what works best for your space. For instance, if you’re struggling to find the right layout for a living room, take a before photo and then rearrange the furniture and take an after photo.

Then compare the two photos and make adjustments as necessary.

Color Selection

When it comes to staging your home on a budget, color selection is an important factor to consider. Different colors can make a room look bigger, brighter, or more inviting. Some colors also work better together than others when trying to create a unified look. Here are some tips for selecting colors that will complement each other and help you achieve the desired effect.

Neutral Colors:

Neutral colors like white, cream, beige, taupe, and gray are great for creating a light and airy space.

They also help to open up a room and make it feel larger. When using neutral colors, mix in different shades and textures to keep the room from feeling too monochromatic.

Accent Colors:

Adding an accent color to a room can help bring it to life. Bright colors like red, orange, and yellow can create an energizing and vibrant atmosphere. However, if you are looking for something more subtle, try softer shades of pink, blue, or green.

These colors can add a touch of warmth and visual interest without being overwhelming.

Monochromatic Palettes:

Monochromatic palettes can be an effective way to unify the look of a room. This involves using various shades of the same color throughout the space. For example, if you choose blue as your base color, add in lighter hues of blue for the walls and darker shades for the furniture and accessories. This will create an effortless sense of cohesion.

Natural Light:

Natural light can make a huge difference in the way a room looks and feels.

When staging your home on a budget, take advantage of natural light by adding mirrors to brighten up the space. Mirrors reflect light and create the illusion of more space. Also, when selecting colors for your walls, opt for lighter shades that will bounce off natural light. In conclusion, DIY staging is a great way to make your home look beautiful without breaking the bank. Furniture arrangement and color selection are key components of successful staging, but there are other budget-friendly materials and accessories that can be used to create a beautiful space.

By taking advantage of these tips, home owners can stage their home in an attractive and cost-effective way. For those looking for more information on how to stage their home on a budget, the following resources can provide helpful guidance: Home Staging Resource, The Spruce, and Apartment Therapy.